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Friday, August 1, 2008

A short chat with Dad!

Here's my phone conversation with Dad at around 5:40pm our time and 8:40pm their time....

The days have been good. Yesterday, can't remember where I was...the ride was 91 miles. We rode through town almost all day long. suburbs, city etc. for around 5 or 6 hours. These would be residential areas. Oh, the town was called Sandusky, a place famous for roller coaster rides in the world. Kathy tried them out. I went to bed.

It was interesting riding through downtown Cleveland. Rode along Lake Erie, what a beautiful lake. Came through Cleveland, rolled right by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and didn't even go in we just continued on to the camping area. It was suppose to be a 91 mile day but we rode so fast we put in 102 miles. We are sooooo fast!

Today, we're staying in Burton, Ohio. I slept in late, got up a quarter after seven. Got a haircut and ate and tried to send some email but it didn't work. We are camping in the fairgrounds, I'd say the name of the fair grounds but I'll spell it instead: Geauga County Fair Grounds.

Right now, I'm waiting for my mechanic to oil and clean my bicycle (Mechanic is Kathy *grin).
Everyday the white line stays the same...just gets longer. I'm going to bed early tonight. Goodnight Beth!

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